What is Universal Health Care?

A method of health care that provides everyone in the country the same access to medical treatment.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Stem Cell Research- Cons

There are three main sources for obtaining stem cells - adult cells, cord cells, and embryonic cells. Adult stem cells can be extracted either from bone marrow or from the peripheral system. Bone marrow is a rich source of stem cells. Some painful destruction of the bone marrow results from this procedure. Peripheral stem cells can be extracted without damage to bones, but the process takes more time. And with health issues, time is often of the essence. Although difficult to extract, since they are taken from the patient's own body, adult stem cells are superior to both umbilical cord and embryonic stem cells. There is always an exact DNA match so the body's immune system never rejects them. And as we might expect, results have been both profound and promising.1

Stem Cell research is very controversial due to the argument that use of embryonic stem cells for research involves the destruction of blastocysts formed from laboratory-fertilized human eggs. For people that believe that life begins at conception, the blastocyst is a human life and to destroy it is immoral.2 Mice treated for Parkinson's with embryonic stem cells have died from brain tumors in as much as 20% of cases.1 If stem cells are stored over a long period of time they have shown signs of developing cancer cells.


  • Some people think of embyos as having the potential for life and that potential should be preserved.

  • Some people think the embyos have dignity which should be preserved.

  • Some people think embryos have a soul.

  • Some people think that stem cell research constitues murder.3


  1. Answers.com

  2. allaboutpopularissues.org

  3. About.com

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