What is Universal Health Care?

A method of health care that provides everyone in the country the same access to medical treatment.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Cons of Universal Health Care

Universal health care is very controversial over weather or not the system can actually work. Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology are two of the fastest growing industries in the United States. Universal heath care funded by the government would limit the breakthrough of new medicine. The reason for this is because if the Pharmaceutical company's cannot make any money off new breakthrough drugs then there is no reason for them to invest. The competition of these companies to make better and newer drugs has really helped the economy in the United States and if they decide they cannot make any money in the field, then the economy will suffer.1

The Universal Health care programs in other countries not everything is as amazing as it seems. In Canada, wait times to see a specialist have sent many people with the money to buy private insurance. It takes 22 months for residents of Saskatchewan to get an MRI, this could be due to the lack of equipment as well. 57% of Canadians report having to wait a month just to see a specialist.1 If the United States were to get a Universal Health care program I believe that it would be very chaotic with the amount of people flooding into the hospital and eventually lead taxes to increase to the point were more than half of your paycheck would go to taxes. The amount of money will also rise due to people taking advantage of the system and going to the hospital for little minor things they would not normally go to the doctor for, so ultimately Americans would have to pay more because of people taking advantage of the free Health care.

One of the biggest problems of Universal Heath care is that the Government would be in charge of how it is run. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are run by the government, both of these programs are on track to bankrupt themselves.1 What might eventually happen is that the government would try to borrow money from the system for other things and end up destroying the entire system, which is why people are very weary of the system because it is a social program.

If Universal health care were to be set in to place then there would be no need for health insurance anymore. The workers at the hospitals that deal with the insurance companies would loss there jobs. The idea behind the health care program is more jobs would be created because of it but the increase would only be about 15% of Americans without health insurance. 15% compared to 100% working with health insurance.2 In the United States there will be a huge loss of private practices which would in turn reduce the amount of jobs again creating more problems for doctors. The amount of future doctors would also decrease because many would have very inflexible hours and would also be overloaded with work because the hospitals are understaffed. The hospitals are already understaffed as it is and the Universal Health Care program would definately not help with that situation at all, what would probably happen is hospital would be so overloaded that doctors and nurses would quit.

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